Meet the Team: Christie Marcella

It’s taken me over a decade to really feel like San Diego is home and an amazing place beyond the weather, beaches, where quality of life- from people, to companies, to experiences, really is extraordinary. Details matter. A first-generation born Filipino-American, my parents were both medical professionals, providing me with educational opportunities and instilling in me a strong work ethic- working at my father’s practice during summer break or carefully rolling utensils in napkins as a time-consuming but elegant touch at family parties.


Be uncomfortable. One of my most life-defining experiences was studying abroad in Spain, where living in a place where I couldn’t speak the language left me empathetic to the path of the lost or confused. It was also a place where I gained a second family and amazing friends who continue to provide an international perspective to my personal and professional life.


Linear is boring. I like trying out different things. I have worked at a non-profit affordable housing organization in East Harlem, temped at a law firm, handed out coffee samples in my college food court. I led an inter-agency effort to create a new first-last mile transit solution to Carlsbad’s business parks – the Carlsbad Connector. I have learned how to knit, and performed on the Today Show doing a bollywood-inspired exercise class. Maybe one day I’ll write a fiction novel.


Honor service. In 2009, I became a Marine Corps spouse and that brought me out to California – first to Monterey and then to Carlsbad. I had never known anyone in the military before I was 25. The lifestyle change being a nearly 3-year old spouse to a junior enlisted Marine was nothing I could have ever imagined. Our military community is the most diverse community I have ever been a part of. Get to know them if you don’t already. Hire a military spouse or veteran. Support places that support our servicemembers.


We can Connect All to our innovation ecosystem. There is a way for every child, student, and adult to participate in San Diego’s tech, life science, defense, and action sports world in a way that can be life-changing. Our physical, social, technological systems can be connected differently in ways that we can’t imagine individually but can execute collaboratively. Those unknown possibilities are what get me up in the morning. That and my kiddo telling me it’s time to wake up.


Fun facts: I prefer a good meal to a good drink. I didn’t have a car from the time I was 18-28. Cooking is my zen place. I am a night owl, which is why I schedule send a LOT of emails. I love the feeling of landing in a plane and looking out thinking of all there is to discover.

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