Building the next generation of diverse innovation leaders

San Diego has a genuine opportunity to build a more robust, diverse, and inclusive innovation region for generations to come. For Connect, this is XEO.

Access to Leaders

Empowering Visioneers

Future Forward

Expanded Networks

Value Diversity

How to Apply

The XEO program runs every other week for 4 months, with in-person experiences such as site visits to innovative companies in the region and access to a remarkable network through our signature events.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for the next cohort, so please continue to apply if interested.

The XEO program is designed for:
  • Mid-level managers from across business functions
  • Emerging leaders from underrepresented backgrounds
  • High performers looking to further develop their leadership skills


The XEO Objective

Diversity in the innovation economy needs to happen at all levels, and we all know that cross-functional know-how coupled with a strong professional network can help talent soar while contributing to the company’s bottom line. This program is designed to provide these key tools to individuals that you want to retain, grow and contribute to your company’s success now and in the future.

Driving Innovation

For nearly 40 years, Connect has been an innovation instigator cultivating San Diego’s life science and tech communities. Connect’s team and trusted advisors have done what seemed impossible years ago: helping startups raise over $9B in 2021, reaching a new record high for venture capital dollars invested in the region. As we continue to build on our previous success, our priority remains advocating for diverse talent across the region to ultimately ensure we’re propelling our community forward.

The Connect Factor

Since the beginning, Connect has been determined to build strong bonds within and beyond our innovation community. Positioned at the heart of our local innovation ecosystem, we’re eager to share our expansive network and knowledge with the next wave of leaders to help raise the tide for all people in San Diego now, and for those yet to come.

Once you’re in XEO, you’re forever part of our Connect family.


Alumni networks change the world through giving back to the next generation of innovation leaders. A participant’s network grows by 40X factor on day one and continues to grow exponentially over time. XEO alumni are forever connected.

XEO has long term play: Quality people. Mission driven. Big network.

Companies Leading the Way

Our Champions

Here are our champions that make sure we are able to provide XEO to our local innovation community. As part of our supporters of inclusion, these organizations help empower a brighter future for everyone in San Diego.


Who is XEO designed for?
  • Mid-level managers from across business functions 
  • Emerging leaders from underrepresented backgrounds 
  • High performers looking to further develop their leadership skills
  • Employees positioned for personal and professional growth and would benefit from further mentorship

XEO Total cost: $3,000 per participant
Connect Annual Sponsor cost: $2,000 per participant
Payment due: prior to program start
Terms: Tuition is non-refundable

Both are fine options – If your company has a diversity officer, this would be great to share with them.

In order to ensure diversity across organizations and industries in the cohort, a maximum of four employees per company can be accepted into the program.

Dates for Spring 2025 Sessions Coming Soon

Join Us

Together, we believe we can create what we envision. We believe that the strategies we drive today can make a positive impact on our future. Reach out to learn more about the XEO program and give us your ideas for building the best inclusive ecosystem on the planet.

Have Questions? Contact Strategic Inclusion Director, Tre Braquet.